MUSE-FEED is a toolbox for emerging writers. Use us to find contests, magazines, submission tips, cover letter advice, summer programs, and inspiring books.

Flannery James teaches Environmental Education and previously taught Creative Writing at Newark Academy. She has a BA in Creative Writing and Environmental Biology from Columbia University and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Science Writing at Johns Hopkins University. She curates Muse-Feed with Alyssa McPherson.

Alyssa McPherson is a writer and freelance editor. She holds a BA in Literary Arts from Brown University. She curates MUSE-FEED with Flannery James.

Muse-Feed was created by Tess Callahan as a resource for her students and other aspiring writers. She is the author of the novels April & Oliver and Dawnland. You can find Tess at her website as well as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Portraits by Brendan James. Header photo by Patrick Fore. Fountain pen photo by Aaron Burden.