Brevity Magazine Open for Submissions

Brevity publishes well-known and emerging writers working in the extremely brief (750 words or fewer) essay form. They have featured work from Pulitzer prize winners, NEA fellows, Pushcart winners, Best American authors, and writers from India, Egypt, The Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Malaysia, Qatar, and Japan. They have also featured  many previously-unpublished authors, and take a special joy in helping to launch a new literary career. Over the past year Brevity has averaged more than 10,000 unique visitors per month.

Authors are paid a $45 honorarium for featured essays (via PayPal).

If you would like to hear editor-in-chief Dinty W. Moore discuss his ideas on what makes flash nonfiction successful, you can access this interview from the River Teeth blog. or this post from the Brevity Blog.

Brevity prefers that submissions should be formatted as seen here (single space, no indentation, one extra space between paragraphs) unless alternate formatting is a specific design element of the essay.

Submit through Submittable:

Craft Essays:  The Craft Essay section is now merged with the Brevity Blog. For submissions info, see below.

The Brevity Blog: While Brevity (the magazine) publishes the finest examples of flash nonfiction they can find, the Brevity Blog is the place to discuss issues related to the writing of creative nonfiction. Full guidelines for the Brevity Blog can be found here.

Brevity: Experiences of Disability

Brevity – Experiences of Disability

Submissions are now being accepted for Brevity’s upcoming special issue, “Experiences of Disability,” to be published in September 2020.

For this issue, we invite brief nonfiction submissions (750 words or fewer) that consider all aspects of illness and disability: what it is, what it means, how our understanding of disability is changing. We want essays that explore how disability is learned during childhood, lived over the entire course of a life, and how our changing understanding of disability shapes the way we experience ourselves and others. We are looking for flash essays that explore the lived experience of illness and disability, as well as encounters with ableism, and that show readers a new way to understand the familiar or give voice to underrepresented experiences.

Deadline: March 1, 2020

Entry: via Submittable*; $3 entry fee

Guest Editors: Sonya Huber, Keah Brown, and Sarah Fawn Montgomery

*Those for whom Submittable is not accessible or for whom the reading fee of $3 would be prohibitive can email their submissions to with the subject formatted as SUBMISSION: (Title) by (Name).