Writing Conference, Inc. Contest

Writing Conference IncA Kansas nonprofit established in 1980, the Writing Conference Inc. hosts an annual national writing contest for middle and high school students.

Deadline: January 15, 2018
Eligibility: Elementary through high school students
Entry Fee: None
Submit: Each student may submit ONE entry: a poem, personal essay or narration (short story or play).
Theme: “Competition.”  We are trained for competition from the grade school playgrounds to the Olympic fields, from the classroom to the boardroom. What values from competition are we learning and teaching our children? How do our practices of competition influence the academic, moral, philosophical, and political frame works of our society?
Formatting: Entry form required. Read guidelines carefully.
Prize: Award winning pieces will be published in The Writers’ Slate whose audience is comprised of students and teachers at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels. Submissions should be appropriate for this audience.
Past Winners: Read 2016-2017 winners here.
Website: writingconference.com/wpwritingconference/

Writing Conference Inc. Contest

Writing Conference ContestA Kansas nonprofit established in 1980, the Writing Conference Inc. hosts an annual national writing contest for middle and high school students.

WHO: Students in grades 6 -12

WHAT TO SUBMIT: Each student may submit ONE entry: a poem, exposition (personal essay) or narration (short story or play).

2017 THEME: CHANGE: Change is found in almost every place – school, church, government, etc…  Or is it?  Some say change isn’t occurring at all or at least not fast enough. When change does occur, it may be planned or spontaneous. Create a  poem, narrative, or essay in which you incorporate your ideas and feelings concerning change.

ENTRY FORM: Required form found here.

PRIZE: Award winning pieces will be published in The Writers’ Slate whose audience is comprised of students and teachers at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels. Submissions should be appropriate for this audience.

SUBMISSION: Student’s name must NOT appear on the manuscript, only on the entry form. Mail manuscripts and entry forms to:

                The Writing Conference, Inc.
PO Box 664
Ottawa, Kansas

DEADLINE: Sunday, January 8, 2017