Barrow Street Press Book Contest

Barrow Street Book ContestDeadline: June 30, 2018
Prize: $1500 and book publication by Barrow Street Press
Entry Fee: $25 hard copy, $28 online
Eligibility: 50-80 page previously unpublished manuscript of original poetry, written in English

The contest will be judged by Ada Limón.

Book Contest Submission Guidelines:

Submit a 50-80 page unpublished manuscript of original poetry in English. Please number the pages of your manuscript and include a table of contents and an acknowledgments page for any previously published poems.

For Online Submission: Use our Online Submission Manager to enter your contact information, upload the file containing your manuscript, and pay the contest entry fee. Follow the instructions on the submission manager main page and be sure to select “Book contest” from the genre drop down menu in order to pay the contest entry fee. You will need to upload the file containing your manuscript in either .doc(x), .pdf, or .rtf format. Include a blind title page that lists only the manuscript title. The author’s name, address, and telephone number should not appear anywhere in the manuscript. Identifying information will be recorded automatically when entered in the Online Submission Manager.

Please note that you can only submit one manuscript at a time, so if you are submitting multiple manuscripts, you will need to follow these instructions for each one. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but if your manuscript is selected for publication by another press, you will need to withdraw your manuscript from this contest using the online submission manager. Contest entry fees are non–refundable.

For Regular Mail Submission: Your manuscript should be typed, single-spaced, single- or double-sided, on white 8 ½” x 11″ paper. Please do not send your only copy, as manuscripts cannot be returned. Include SASE for notification of contest results and include a check for $25.00, payable to Barrow Street, Inc. Manuscripts unaccompanied by a check for the entry fee will not be considered. Include two (2) title pages. The author’s name, address, and telephone number should appear on the first title page only and should not appear anywhere else in the manuscript. The second title page should contain only the manuscript title.

Barrow Street
PO Box 1558
Kingston, RI 02881

(Please do not send to the New York City Barrow Street address – manuscripts sent to this address will not be considered.)

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